Phone: 423-949-2105


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Amy Chaffin

Hi!  This is my 17th year as a public school teacher, 5th year as a Pre-K teacher.  I have taught 10 years in kindergarten and a year each in third and fourth grades; but my passion is teaching 4 & 5 year olds!  I LOVE what I do every day and look forward to all the things we will learn together this year.

  • Welcome back to school!  It is going to be a wonderful month full of learning about winter and animals.  We have new centers and new materials in each center!  This month we will be focusing on writing in group time, small groups, and in centers.  We will be writing lists, blueprints, letters, postcards, books, and anything else we can think up!  We will also be retelling stories in sequence in reading and measuring and naming 2D and 3D shapes in math!