• Public Notice

    Application for Grant Funding

    Sequatchie County Schools 21st Century Community Learning Centers

    Sequatchie County School System was funded the 21st CCLC grant beginning for the 2019-2020 school year. This grant proposal is written to serve students in Griffith Elementary School (K-4) and Sequatchie County Middle School (5-8).

    The 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) program provides Federal funding to establish or expand community learning centers. These centers provide students with opportunities for academic enrichment, youth development, and family support during non-school hours. The 21st Century Community Learning Centers offers an expansive variety of programs, activities and services that are designed to reinforce and complement the regular school day academic program of participating students. The program will offer STEM and STEAM enrichment, mentoring and homework help, curriculum enrichment (Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, and Fine Arts), social and emotional learning, physical fitness. The program will partner with organizations to provide programming to students and family members.

    Anyone who would like to offer comments or suggestions should contact Rhonda Harmon at 423-949-3617 or rharmon@sequatchie.k12.tn.us. The application can be reviewed at the Sequatchie County Board of Education office.