• Students will examine the causes and consequences of the Industrial Revolution and the United States’ growing role in world diplomatic relations, including the Spanish-American War and World War I. Students will study the goals and accomplishments of the Progressive movement and the New Deal. Students will also learn about the various factors that led to our nation’s entry into World War II, as well as the consequences for American life. Students will explore the causes and duration of the Cold War. Students will study the important social, cultural, economic, and political changes that have shaped the modern-day U.S. resulting from the Civil Rights Movement, the Cold War, and recent events and trends. Additionally, students will learn about the causes and consequences of contemporary issues impacting the world today. Students will continue to use skills for historical and geographical analysis as they examine U.S. history after Reconstruction, with special attention to Tennessee connections in history, geography, politics, and people. Students will continue to learn fundamental concepts in civics, economics, and geography within the context of U.S. history. The reading of primary source documents is a key feature of the U.S. history course. Specific primary sources have been embedded within the standards for depth and clarity. Finally, students will focus on current human and physical geographic issues important in contemporary U.S. and global society. This course will place Tennessee's history, government, and geography in context with U.S. history in order to illustrate the role our state has played in our nation’s history.



    Westward Expansion & Post-Reconstruction (1860-1890)  Overview: Students will analyze the transformation of the American West and the impact of Native Americans and the South.

    The Gilded Age (1865-1901) Overview: Students will analyze the transformation of the American economy and the changing social and political conditions in the U.S. in response to the rise of industrialization, large scale rural-to-urban migration, and mass immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe and Asia.

    The Progressive Era (1880-1920)  Overview: Students will analyze the changing national landscape, including the growth of cities and the demand for political, economic, and social reforms, during the early 20th century.



    Imperialism and World War I (1890-1920)  Overview: Students will trace the rise of the U.S. as a world power during the 20th century and examine the country’s role in World War I.

    War on Terrorism (2001-2011) Overview: Students will analyze the impact of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, including: the response of President George W. Bush, wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and continued efforts to combat terrorism globally. 

    The 1920s (1920-1929)  Overview: Students will describe how the battle between traditionalism and modernism manifested in the major historical trends and events post-World War I.



    The Great Depression and New Deal (1929-1941)  Overview: Students will analyze the causes and effects of the Great Depression and how the New Deal fundamentally changed the role of the U.S. federal government.

    World War II (1936-1945)  Overview: Students will analyze the U.S. path to and participation in World War II and examine the implications for the nation at home and abroad.



    Cold War (1947-1991)  Overview: Students will analyze the response of the U.S. to communism after World War II.

    A Nation in Transition (1950s-1963)  Overview: Students will examine American cultural, economic, political, and societal developments (including the Space Race)  following World War II.



    Civil Rights Movement (1950s-1960s)  Overview: Students will examine the origins, goals, key events, and accomplishments of the Civil Rights Movement in the U.S.

    The Modern United States (1960s-present)  Overview: Students will examine important events and trends from the 1960s to the present.