ESSER 1.0, 2.0, 3.0

  • FAQ
    What does ESSER stand for?

    Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief

     How do I contribute feedback to the Sequatchie County School System?

    Parents, Students, School System Staff, and all Sequatchie County Community Members are encouraged to provide feedback through one of the following methods...

    Community Survey = Opens (Wk of July 12, 2021)

     How do I know if my school was impacted by ESSER funding?

    As our plan is developed, information will be provided on this website. Parents are also encouraged to reach out to their individual schools for additional information.

     How much funding did the Sequatchie County School System receive from ESSER 1, ESSER 2, and ESSER 3?

    The Sequatchie County School System received $556,956 from ESSER 1.0, $2,217130 from ESSER 2.0, and $4,979,360 from ESSER 3.0 for a total of $7,753,455.

     What data is being collected during the ESSER process?

    The Sequatchie County School System will complete a "Needs Analysis" which will include data from a variety of sources (to include, but not limited to): Universal Screener data (East CBM), State Testing results, ethnicity and demographic data, instructional day attendance data, COVID-19 attendance data, staffing and employment data, social and emotional impact data, and K - 12-course offering impact data.

     Can Sequatchie County students contribute feedback for the use of ESSER 3.0 funds?

    Absolutely! Sequatchie County students are welcome to attend the posted "Virtual Office Hour" sessions and complete applicable surveys (as they launch on this web-site).

     If I have a question about Sequatchie County ESSER funding, who do I contact?
    Rhonda Harmon, Federal Programs Supervisor

    Information regarding SCS ESSER funding and application processes will be posted to this website.

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
    • ESSER 3.0 Public Feedback Survey


      The American Rescue Plan of 2021 provides a third round of stimulus funds known as Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief (ESSER 3.0) to states and local school districts to safely reopen and sustain the safe operation of schools that would address the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the nation's students. The Sequatchie County School System has received a portion of this funding and is requesting feedback from parents, community members, staff members, and students to assist the district in the decision-making process of how these funds can best be spent to benefit the overall success of students. Thanks in advance for your help.


      Please click the link to complete our survey:  Public Feedback Sequatchie Co. Reopening & ESSER 3.0 Survey