Curriculum & Instruction (Pre-K to 6th Grade)

  • Robbie Somerville, Supervisor

    r somerville

    The Sequatchie County School system has a long history of providing students with a quality educational experience that prepares them for success in an ever-changing world; we are committed to ongoing evaluations of teaching, learning, and student achievement to ensure that all students have access to a rich and relevant educational experience.

    The Pre-K - 6th grade Department of Curriculum and Instruction exists to provide support, clarity, and leadership for teaching and learning in Sequatchie County Schools.  The department works with teachers, district, and state/local leaders to cooperatively develop a clearly defined, academically rigorous, managed curriculum.  The curriculum is monitored regularly to make certain the written, taught, and tested curriculum is aligned, communicated to all stakeholders, and tied to the system’s budget. Lead teachers work with the curriculum development and mapping, teacher professional development, and a number of other important support functions.


  • Department Contact Information:

    Robbie Somerville, Pre-K - 6th Grade Curriculum & Instruction Supervisor (

    Lynn Mullins, Pre-K - 6th Grade Curriculum & Instruction Assistant ( 

    (423) 949-3617