Sequatchie County High School

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    Sequatchie County High School 

    SC Campus   
      SCHS...developing educated, responsible citizens.

    Principal: Amy Land

    SCHS Assistant Principal

     Assistant Principal: Kara Moore


    7067 TN-28 Scenic Hwy

    Dunlap, TN 37327

     (423) 949-2154

  • Sequatchie Co. Sign

    Active Duty Military

    SCHS would like to express heartfelt gratitude to all of the brave young men and women who currently serve our great nation. Thank you for your commitment and your sacrifice.  


  • Lunch at SCHS made with locally raised beef from Johnson's 7. Students enjoyed delicious spaghetti prepared by our school nutrition team. Another reason our schools are a great place to be. 💜💛

    johnsons 7

    johnsons 7 2