
  • Dr. Melissa Cordell, Supervisor

    Attendance is a key factor in student achievement and therefore, students are expected to be present each day school is in session.
    Student attendance records shall be given the same level of confidentiality as other student records. Only authorized school officials with legitimate educational purposes may have access to student information without the consent of the student or parent/guardian.
    Absences shall be classified as either excused or unexcused as determined by the principal/designee. Excused absences shall include:
    1. Personal illness;
    2. Illness of immediate family member;
    3. Death in the family;
    4. Extreme weather conditions;
    5. Religious observances;
    6. College visits;
    7. Pregnancy;
    8. School sponsored or school endorsed activities
    9. Summons, subpoena, or court order;
    10. Circumstances which, in the judgment of the principal, create emergencies over which the student has no control. 
    The Board shall determine annually and include in the school calendar a plan for using three (3) abbreviated school days and the procedures for making up missed instructional days. In addition, the Board shall determine annually whether to use flexible scheduling for kindergarten students.